Saigon Eating Adventures – Desserts
The definitive Saigon dessert experience
Sweet sticky rice, ice cream, fresh fruit – it’s all here in District 3 to enjoy with the young locals. [Read on for details, address & map]

Enjoy one of the best sinh tố (fruit shakes) in Ho Chi Minh City at a gay-friendly street food venue
Sinh Tố – Drinking Saigon Street Food
Excellent Fruit Shakes on a Saigon Street near tourist-center. [Read on for details, address & map]
Saigon street fruit bowl in the alley
You won’t find a more YUMMY or healthy dessert in any Saigon restaurant. Hidden in a Ho Chi Minh City street food alley … AND, so easy to get to in District 1! [Read on for details, address & map]
CUPCAKES in Saigon?
A cozy cupcake bakery with coffee upstairs, filled with locals – right in tourist center! [Read on for details, address & map]
Is there ice cream in Saigon ?
YES! And lots of it! [Read on for details, address & map]
Chè Chuối – Banana Dessert
A classic Saigon street vendor serving up excellent chè chuối (steamed banana in a sweet and delicious coconut sauce) and more. [Read on for details, address & map]
Try it, if you dare!
Most Vietnamese LOVE IT. Most westerners HATE IT. How about you? [Read on for details, address & map]
Enjoy Rau Câu Dừa in the Bắc Hải neighborhood
Really! Maybe the most refreshing dessert you can eat on a hot Saigon day. [Read on for details, address & map]
A quick, icy drink in steamy Saigon
There’s a place in Saigon where you can enjoy a thirst-quenching drink without ever getting off your motorbike. [Read on for details, address & map]
Eating Saigon! DESSERT MAP
View Eating Saigon! Our guide to Saigon Desserts in a larger map
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