4,100 Saigon street food meals “At Risk”
I’ll try to keep this diversion from talking about Saigon street food brief. I want to get back to actually eating Saigon street food and reporting back to you about those eating adventures.
But with 4,100 of my future Saigon street food meals potentially threatened, I could not sit by idly. I had to take action! Let me explain.
If you read my blog regularly (I have to assume that is the case), then you are already aware that one of Vietnam’s richest men was arrested and hauled off to jail within the past few days – Vietnam shocked by tycoon’s arrest – accused of unspecified economic crimes involving the bank he founded some years ago – ACB Bank. MY BANK!!
Two days later, last Friday, the current Director of ACB Bank joined him in prison, again arrested for unspecified economic crimes.
That did it! I had over 164,000,000 VND under the control of criminals! … ah sorry, alleged criminals!
164 million VND – that’s my “nest egg” set aside here in Vietnam for my next 4,100 Saigon street food meals (calculated at an estimated 40,000 VND per meal). I feared for my future! I feared for the future of Eating Saigon!
I grabbed my passport and my ACB savings book, jumped on the back of Hai’s motorbike and raced down the street to try to rescue my eating funds. The new, tasteful, highly air-conditioned ACB lobby looked inviting, even without any English language signs. A very lovely, friendly young woman welcomed me, guided Hai and I to her desk and turned to Hai to ask in Vietnamese what I wanted.
Once she understood that I wished to close my account due to her bosses’ alleged criminal activities, she explained to Hai (and Hai translated to me) that there was absolutely no reason for alarm. The bank was well run and my money was safe. I thanked her for her assurance and then again stated clearly that I wanted to close my account now and take my funds with me.
One problem, she explained! ACB had no funds available to give me! Oi Troi Oi!!
Perhaps they could have the funds for me next week some time! Oi Troi Oi!!
Today, Tuesday, I returned. Today, again I was assured my money was safe. Today again I asked to close my account and to take my cash. Today, 4 days after my initial request, ACB Bank returned my funds.
So fear not, Eating Saigon! followers. Now I can continue to afford to eat street food here in Saigon. Now I will be able to continue sharing my Saigon street food adventures – at least for my next 4,100 meals. 🙂