Faifoo Boutique Hotel

Faifoo’s entry courtyard
This is very nice. I’m sitting here enjoying one of the best cà phê sữa đá (iced coffee with milk) that I’ve had in a long time. Soft “elevator” music (“Yesterday” by Paul McCartney) is wafting in the shaded breeze of the courtyard.
As I look around, all I see are tropical plants and dark wood windows, doors, and railings sculptured in the essence of ancient Hue. The handsome waiter is very professional and compliments me on my Vietnamese (extra points for his kind and thoughtful lie).
I’m “working” today – adding another entry to Eating Saigon! – here in the courtyard of the Faifoo Boutique Hotel. What a pleasant and relaxing place to work.
Now, as Eating Saigon! readers are well aware, I don’t typically talk about Saigon hotels. I truly don’t have much chance to experience first hand Saigon’s vast offerings of sleeping accommodations since I’ve been in my same wonderful apartment for years, that even has room to accommodate my occasional overseas visitors.
However, the Faifoo Boutique Hotel, offers a lovely cafe setting. Being only a few blocks away from Hai’s restaurant, Donh Hoa Xuan, this is a perfect place to retreat after enjoying a triple-yummy meal at Hai’s place, and settle in for a couple of hours of writing.
I did get curious today, however, about the actual hotel accommodations here at the Faifoo. So, let me do Eating Saigon!’s very first hotel review! Very exciting (for me at, at least)!
Faifoo Boutique Hotel
Beside the lovely courtyard is a second-floor seating area looking down at the tropical planted patio.

Peaceful “Hue” ambiance overlooking the Faifoo entry courtyard
The seating is deeply shaded by the classic dark wood Hue architecture. Yet, airy and breezy with a dozen carved wood folding windows opened to the breeze. Wood floor, wood ceiling, wood tables – the feel of imperial Hue somehow fills the space.
Inside, the hotel reception area is attractive, clean, and inviting. It includes an eating area – AH! I must return for a meal!!

A lovely and airy 3rd-floor patio here at the Faifoo
Up the elevator, the third floor level opens onto a nice size patio. Pleasant views! Breezes! Lovely garden! Very nice. Note to Self: I must come back here for a sinh tố (fruit shake).
I asked for a sneak preview of the rooms 🙂
There were a variety of rooms, from a simple single to a nice sized suite to, ranging in price from $50- $90 (although it seemed discount may be available on occasion 🙂 ). All rooms seemed pleasant, and included breakfast, free wi fi, and an array of amenities (details at their website below.)
The location is a bit remote from tourist central (I think a good thing), is walking distance from a large and active local Saigon market, Chợ Bà Triểu, and only a few blocks away from Hai’s wonderful neighborhood restaurant!
By the way, the wi fi here seems excellent! As was the cà phê sữa đá!
Faifoo Boutique Hotel
97/3 Le Quang Dinh St.
Ward 14, Binh Thanh District
Ho Chi Minh City
+84 (8) 3510-4281
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