Sorrento Cafe’
91/6 Hòa Hưng
District 10

Amalphi, Italy
Last year about this time, Hai and I enjoyed an espresso coffee in Sorrento on Italy’s Amalfi coast. Stunning! Beautiful! Breathtaking!

Cà phê sữa đá (Vietnamese iced coffee with milk) at the Sorrento Cafe’
This morning Hai and I enjoyed a cà phê sữa đá (Vietnamese iced coffee with milk) at the Sorrento Cafe’ here in Ho Chi Minh City. A bit less breathtaking, but still, quite pleasant on a small quiet street away from Saigon’s tourist center.
Only local folk were here and the waiter seemed genuinely surprised to see a người nước ngoài (foreigner) here.
Mock European tile work surrounding the fountained pool in the cafe courtyard set the “Sorrento” ambiance. The young waiter seemed to speak Vietnamese with a slight southern Italian accent. That could have been my imagination, of course 🙂 . The cafe’s cooling mist sprayers filled the air with vapor clouds – only slightly different from the ancient vapor plumes of Mt. Vesuvius, I imagined.

A peaceful patio setting at the Sorrento Cafe’
Well, in any case, the coffee was good. And one could sit comfortably for hours reflecting on Italian politics, Saigon real estate prices, or whatever. Hai and I were actually busy planning our next meal!
So, if you find yourself in need of a good cup (glass) of coffee in a pleasant, relaxing setting, and you want to get away from Saigon’s tourist central cafes, head off to Saigon’s District 10 (rather than on the Amalphi coast) and enjoy a few hours at the Sorrento Cafe’.
By the way, the Sorrento Cafe’ has a full food menu as well. My advice – enjoy the coffee and dine elsewhere.
Sorrento Cafe’
91/6 Hòa Hưng
District 10
08.38683940 – 41
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