The local Post Office in “downtown” Comptche, California
OMG! We’ve just discovered the Comptche of Vietnam! (For those who don’t know, Comptche is a tiny bucolic town of 600 people in 25 square miles nestled in the redwood covered hills of Mendocino County, in Northern California – where Hai and I have our USA “countryside home.”)
And now, here we were in the coastal seaside hills of central Vietnam discovering a most Comptche-like, stunningly beautiful, remote farming community of the Cam Lập Peninsular. Gorgeous giant rock outcroppings. Crystal clear aqua shorelines. Cashew orchards. Peaceful winding roads through eucalyptus covered hills. No vehicles, no people. Just heavenly!
In my previous post, I described how it was that we found our way to this special little corner of Vietnam (see: Cam Lập Trilogy: Part 1 – The Journey Begins).
And now we’ve arrived!
Hai wanted to stay on his motorbike and “go find something to eat” – How unusual! :-/
I decided that I’d had enough riding for a while and just wanted to stroll though this gorgeous new land. Off for my two-hour stroll …

A gorgeous “country road” winding through cashew orchards, and eucalyptus groves just a few meters from the South China Sea

… and then there were those beautiful rocky outcroppings – like everywhere!

… and your occasional beautiful farmhouse home garden

… and just one minute off the country road was the stunning waters of the Cam Lập Peninsula coast

… and the local fishermen’s boats

… and fresh crustacea aplenty!
But, there was still work to do! Where to stay for the next few nights in this remote piece of paradise?
We had read about a couple of semi-high-end resorts. But after discovering on my walk that one of them, Ngọc Sương Yến Resort, was basically a ghost-town on this non-holiday, non-weekend day, I decided to stay at the Đảo Hoa Vàng home-stay.
It turned out to be an absolutely brilliant decision. Nowhere could have bee more perfect!

The lovely garden walkway to our newly designed room at Đảo Hoa Vàng home-stay.
With lovely accommodations, high ceilings, a large bathroom, great wi-fi & air conditioning, life was to be good for the next few days!
As always, Hai bonded with the kitchen staff at Đảo Hoa Vàng sweet beachside cafe and many yummy meals followed.

Relaxing & enjoying a bit of paradise at Đảo Hoa Vàng

Enjoying cà phê and some great conversations with Lam, owner of Đảo Hoa Vàng
The real highlight of our visit to Đảo Hoa Vàng , however, was getting to know its owner, Lam. A real gentleman, scholar, world-traveler, and most importantly, a knowledgable source of information on the area’s economy, real estate, tourism, biota, and sources of good food. A special thanks to Lam for helping make our visit to Đảo Hoa Vàng and to Cam Lập Peninsular the highlight of our Vietnam visit this year.
Layback, peaceful, gorgeous, remote, natural, and unspoiled are the feelings I am left with looking back at our special few days enjoying the yet-undeveloped Cam Lập Peninsular and Đảo Hoa Vàng homestay.
Without hesitation, we can recommend to locals and tourists alike that you put Đảo Hoa Vàng and the Cam Lập Peninsular on your list of “must visit” destinations when planning your next Vietnam vacation.
Đảo Hoa Vàng
Bình Lập
0901 350 662
0909-917-881 (English)