27 Trần Quang Long
Bình Thạnh District

It’s very very wonderful when a reader of your food blog contacts you to tell you they love your street food blog and that they are currently eating their way through your “Where to eat Saigon Street food” recommendations. How cool is that!
But then, those readers go on to tell you they also took your recommendation on where to stay in Saigon. And, in fact, they are currently staying in the same residence that you are! What?!? In the room directly above yours … right now! OMG, that’s almost weird!!

Well, this chance encounter turned out to be an amazing opportunity to meet two wonderful folk, Yvon and To Quyen from Montreal, Canada, and to learn of their discovery of a brand new local neighborhood gem just a short stroll from the BonBon Residence where we’re all currently staying – a new “must try” local bakery – Café Tartine Saigon!
Say no more – off I went to Café Tartine Saigon.
Just one great specialty here – sourdough breads! And excellent sourdough breads at that. As good as any I’ve had in San Francisco! Baguettes, tartines, and other bread treats!

After a great cappuccino and an excellent sourdough tartine – ham, cheese, tomato, olives & red onion – I had time for a nice chat with the owner of this newly opened bakery. Seems her husband is now an attorney, but his real passion has been baking since he began at age 13. I also encountered the current sourdough guru baker at Café Tartine Saigon, Mr. Vinh. He explained why their breads are so excellent! Seems they grind their wheat flour themselves and nurture their sourdough starter several times each day due to Saigon’s hot weather.
So, if you find yourself in the neighborhood, or even willing to travel a bit for truly great quality breads, check out Café Tartine Saigon. A peaceful cafe to enjoy both those great breads and some really good coffee.

And a very special thanks to Yvon and To Quyen whom I’m really looking forward to getting together with soon to compare notes on our favorite places to eat in Saigon!
UPDATE – February, 2023: Tartine continues to offer a great cappuccino and tasty breakfast and lunch treats (I haven’t tried their dinner menu yet).

27 Trần Quang Long
Bình Thạnh District